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Oakland CityTeam House of Hope Fund
CityTeam House of Hope: providing transitional housing, rehabilitation, counseling, and job support for single homeless women in East Oakland.
Cityteam has always sought to respond to the people in our community in greatest need: individuals struggling with low-income, homelessness, hunger, addiction, recent incarceration, and isolation. Historically, Cityteam Oakland has primarily served men. Special outreaches to women and children, and low-income families, take place, but a dedicated program to come alongside desperate single women has never existed. In 2019 this will change.
With the purchase of a 28-bed housing facility (including a 11-bedroom home and a separate residence for an onsite staff member) Cityteam will support women as they achieve economic independence within a community of support and structure. House of Hope will address emotional and spiritual needs, restore dignity, and help women launch a new life trajectory. The 6-12-month residential program with complete wrap-around services is designed to reach drastically underserved and truly desperate women with a loving community and practical services